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Edge functions

Edge functions (or “serverless functions”) are a way to run custom code on the edge.

This can be used for a variety of purposes such as:

  • Checking a request’s geolocation
  • Communicating with APIs
  • Modifying headers
  • Modifying responses
  • Modifying requests

Edge functions are written in JavaScript and run on demand.

Getting started

Edge functions are currently in beta and are available to all QuantCDN customers.

To get started, create a new edge function in the QuantCDN dashboard from the “Compute > Functions” section.

The event object

The event object is passed to every edge function. It contains information about the request, including the request headers, the request body, and the request URL, etc.


The event.geo object contains information about the request’s geolocation. A full example of the details returned is shown below:

"as_name": " inc.",
"as_number": 16509,
"area_code": 0,
"city": "tokyo",
"conn_speed": "broadband",
"conn_type": "wired",
"continent": "AS",
"country_code": "JP",
"country_code3": "JPN",
"country_name": "japan",
"latitude": 35.68,
"longitude": 139.75,
"metro_code": 392001,
"postal_code": "100-0001",
"proxy_description": "cloud",
"proxy_type": "hosting",
"region": "13",
"utc_offset": 900

Some examples of where geolocation information can be used include:

  • Display data-collection or cookie consent content that is relevant to the end-user’s country.
  • Redirect to a local domain or edition of your website, or offer an option to the user to do so.
  • Provide localized stock levels or delivery options.
  • Block traffic from regions where you are not licensed to deliver content.
  • Block regions that are originating DDoS attacks, or subject requests from those regions to additional checks, such as a CAPTCHA.
  • Trigger additional security measures if a user accesses your site from a different country to the one they are normally in.
  • Report geolocation data as part of your request logging to better understand your customers.
  • Make an API endpoint for your front end code to use to get access to geolocation data in the browser or your client-side app.

IP Address

The true client IP address is exposed in the quant-client-ip header. This header is added by QuantCDN and contains the original client IP address, and cannot be manipulated.

To retrieve the IP address of a connecting client, check the event.request.headers.get('quant-client-ip') value.


The event.request.headers object contains information about the incoming request’s headers.

Use the .get() method to get a header value. For example, to get the User-Agent header, you can use the following:

const userAgent = event.request.headers.get('User-Agent');

Use the .set() method to set a header value. For example, to set a token in the Authorization header, you can use the following:

event.request.headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer 1234567890');

Use the .delete() method to delete a header value. For example, to remove the Accept-Encoding header, you can use the following:


Header keys are case-insensitive.


Return basic markup

The most simple example is a function emitting a response with “Hello World” markup with a custom response header.

const headers = new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'text/html;'
'X-Powered-By': 'QuantCDN'
const markup = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<h1>Hello World, from Quant Edge Functions</h1>
return new Response(markup, { status: 200, headers: headers });

Returning a JSON response with geolocation data

This example shows how to return a JSON response with basic geolocation data.

return new Response(
country: event.geo.country_name,
latitude: event.geo.latitude,
longitude: event.geo.longitude
status: 200,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Making external HTTP requests

One of the most powerful features of edge functions is the ability to make external HTTP requests. This is useful for a variety of purposes such as:

  • Validating user data, such as a JWT or OAuth token
  • Fetching data from an API
  • Triggering additional security measures, such as a CAPTCHA
  • Making an API endpoint for your front end code to use

Edge functions implement the Fetch API for making HTTP requests.

const response = await fetch('');
// Take care! .json() will consume the entire body into memory!
const data = await response.json();
return new Response(JSON.stringify(data));

It is better to avoid buffering responses, as the entire body is consumed into memory. Edge functions support streaming responses, so you can stream the response body to the client without buffering if no response manipulation is required.

// Implement your own logic here before returning the response
return fetch('');

To compose a request from scratch, use the Request constructor.

// Create some headers for the request to origin
let upstreamHeaders = new Headers({ "some-header": "someValue" });
// Create a POST request to our origin using the custom headers
let upstreamRequest = new Request("", {
method: "POST",
headers: upstreamHeaders,
return fetch(upstreamRequest);