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Team management


Organization subscriptions allow multiple team members to belong to a single organization. Roles can be assigned to control access.

Navigate to the “Team” section of the dashboard to see all current members and their roles.

Only organization owners or administators have permission to manage team members.

Inviting new members

Click on the “Invite” button and provide name, email and role to add users to the organization.

You may revoke the invitation before they accept.

Accepting or declining an invitation

Users will receive an email prompting them to join. If they already have an account, they can click the link and login to accept; otherwise they must first register.

Inivitations and existing memberships are also listed from the profile page. They can be accepted or declined from this screen.

Change active organizations

Click on your profile icon (upper right) to switch between organizations and your own private account.

Projects are scoped to organizations. Once you have activated an organization, the projects list (upper left) can be used to toggle the active project.

Enforcing two-factor authentication

The organization owner can enforce two-factor authentication by checking the box at the top of the page.

Users will be prompted to complete the two-factor authentation set up before they can undertake any further action within the dashboard.

Changing roles

To change an existing user role an organization owner or administrator must remove and re-add you with the appropriate role.

Monthly report

Organization owners may opt in to receive a monthly team report by checking the box on the page. This report will send an email on the first of each month identifying all members and roles within the organization. It will also provide detail on when each user last logged in, and how many tokens they have active with scoped access to the organization.

This report is useful for organization owners to proactively monitor and remove stale accounts, especially those with elevated permissions.

Role permissions

DeveloperContent managerRead onlyAdministratorOrganization owner
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View project tokens
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View team members
Manage team members
Manage subscription
Enforce TFA
Receive monthly team report
Reset team member TFA¹

¹ via the support desk. Additional verification processes apply.